Saturday, June 30, 2007

So much has taken place since the last time I wrote

For one, I have finally moved into the house (pics coming soon) and things are pretty cool. Things are really coming together with it and right now, the only downside is the fact that I have no cable. I realize my dependence on this trivial thing now. While living with my mom, the tv was constantly on if for nothing more than a backdrop to other things that I was doing. Since i have moved into the house and there is no cable, the tv is rarely on and I am forced to find other ways to entertain myself. I feel a little isolated from the world without the cable. Like there is shot going on and I know nothing about it. At any rate, i am in the process now of getting someone to come out and hook it up....if you know what I mean.

Why do we allow ourselves to get jealous over past lovers. I say "we" but this could be a problem that is exclusively mine. This comes up because the other day T told me that they were entertaining someone new and they even showed me a pic. I got real...weird. I mean, I don't want him. I don't! but at the same time I don't want him to be with anyone else either. I know I can't have it both ways but this is what I am dealing with now. I am trying to work through it by actually encouraging T to go out with ole boy. We shall see how it turns out.

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