Thursday, August 18, 2011

So I'm reading 'The Kid'

It's the sequel to 'Push' by Sapphire. All I can say is 'What The Fuck'! I don't even know why I let my people drag me into reading this shit. I told someone yesterday it's as if Sapphire wrote down a list of all the fucked up shit that could happen to a little black boy, then took that list and put it in story form. I have thrown my Nook to the ground on several occasions since I started this. I am still just a bit confused as to what Sapphire is trying to get to with this story. I mean, there are parts where you can;t tell if the lead character is dreaming or mentally ill! And my frustration right now is the fact that this character did something awful but is speaking to himself as if the things they say he did are a lie. I could handle this better if the author just let me know upfront that this character has a mental problem or can;t really grasp reality but since she has not let me know that I am forced to believe that his mind is right and then I have to ask 'What the fuck is his problem?'

So yeah, that's what I am doing at this point in my life. Reading a book and still not working on mine. It's coming though! Hopefully.