Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sucky Attitudes At Work

It's the holiday season so I have been trying to spread some Christmas cheer but what I have found is that a lot of people that work here would rather be miserable. I think that I have always have always known this but it never really became real to me until a few things changed around here. I think it all started when my Manager resigned.

As far as managers go, she was ok. In some instances she would help you out and then sometimes she would fuck you up. She was like that aunt that you enjoyed seeing at holidays but hated going to her house for any extended period of time. Personally, I didn't have a real big problem with her. I've been here for about 9years so I had pretty much learned how to navigate around her bullshit and we were cool but some of the others here hated her. HATED HER!! I mean, she first took a leave because of health problems and some of these people were damn near wishing her death while she was in the hospital! She came back and after a few weeks decided it would be better if she retired......people started crying. These same people that talked so much shit about her were crying with her as she walked out. Ok, so that type of reaction you expect but what these people did next was the kicker. About a week after she was gone, they again started talking about how they were glad she was gone! But you were just crying for her...........

The next clue was the new messaging system. Everybody in here was complaining everyday about the system we were using and acting as if they were ready to move on to something new. Ahh but they fooled me. I was expecting that the complaints would stop as soon as the old system was out but to my surprise, the complaints got louder. And more vicious. I'd like to think that I handle myself with a lot of poise and dignity but one day I came in and I damn near cursed a co worker out because of their grunts. It was a mess. I mean, can you imagine a people that complain no matter what? It's like, they don't like the way things are going but if you try to change anything, they hate that too. Like they have conditioned themselves to not be happy.

And my latest clue that these peoples need to be miserable was shown to me as I tried to spread the cheer of t he season. I had plans to bring some type of Christmas joy every week of December but again, these people would have no part of happiness. I suggested that we bring holiday treats every week in Dec.....they decided to to participate. I arranged a secret santa gift exchange......they did not enter their names. I planned a after work holiday potluck......aint none of them show. As if t hey were just saying 'fuck you Quadrus and all your efforts to make us have a better work enviroment'

At this point I have decided that I will not be making such a great effort in the coming year because it seems that they dont want it. They want to be miserabnle so I will let them. They like the confusion so let them have it. I won't be a part of it and I will shut anything down that comes my way but if they want to wallow, imma let em'

But you know what tho, I think that I will start blogging about these miserable people. Maybe do a blob per person and some of the fuicked up shit they do so you all can get an idea.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I keep saying imma do better

But I keep slacking. It's 12:26am and I should be sleep(or washing my clothes) but I just can't. So I might as well make the best of this time and finally write in my blog.

So what can I write about? How about an update blog!

1. Shanen is great. I really like this cat. He is my friend.
2. I still have no promotion but but all of the responsibility that would come with one.
3. I will be going back to NY in about 3 weeks.
4. cant wait for the new year. i promise it will be bigger and better for my blog. i want to start posting up my short stories.