Friday, June 02, 2006

I got a little slack

What can I say, I just didn't feel like writting. With work, school, and all these practices, I really haven't had time for much.

I think that I will be getting the car back on the road today. I am so glad too because this bus thing is for the birds. Well, I cant really say that because it sounds lik I will be giving up the bus but that is not really true. I think I will still be riding a few times a week but at least I do have the option to drive if I want to.

Me and T are hanging by a string. Every since we did the do things have just not been the same. It is all so stupid and I really don't want to type all the stupid things that are happeneing but just know that the stuff is stupid. sex changes situations. i think i will make a whole entry about that topic soon.