Friday, February 22, 2008

The only thing that keeps me going these days

Is the fact that I know in October I will not be here anymore. I will be leaving this city. I will be leaving this life. Yes, I am a little scared but it is something that I must do. At this point, I am pretty sure that ATL will be my destination but there is a part of me that is still holding on to NYC. the numbers just work better with ATL tho.

And I will be there this weekend. Seems that lately I am having to give myself these mini vacations
just to make it through a month. I think this job is starting to take a toll on me. I really cant see myself doing this for the rest of my life but I really don't know what else I will be doing. This is why I feel like I must move away from Greenville. I have to go explore life before I get stuck.

And I've been thinking lately about what it is that I want to do. Just the other day I was watching 'Sister Act 2' and there is a line that Whoopie says that always gets me. It's the part where she is talking to Rita(Lauryn) and she says 'If when you wake up in the morning and the first thing on your mind is to sing, then you 'sposed to be a singer girl' I remember when I first heard her say that line I immediately thought about my life. I think that I am supposed to sing. Or at least do something in music. This is another reason I think ATL would be the move for me. I already have people that can hook me up with some people that could maybe get me started in the industry. It's not like I am trying to be a star or anything but I know that I could at least get some background singing work. That would be good for me. Singing and writing.

anyway, Raheem Devaughn on Saturday should be cool even though I wanted to see Jilly. Shit was sold out. I will make due.

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