Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Yes....I have herpes and I am fat

I could feel the cold sore forming last night as I was in class. I haven't had one in a long time but I always know when one is about to form. And there was nothing that I could do to stop it. Usually, I bombard my lips with blisstex as soon as I get the slightest tingle but I had none last night and this morning I can see the blister forming. As soon as I get a chance I am running to cvs to get plenty of lip stuff to form a counter attack. There may still be hope left in the fight against herpes simplex.

....I am fat. It was made painfully obvious to me this morning by the mother of a chick that I used to talk to. I mean...the way she looked at me and then took a double take and asked "are you sure you are Quadrus?" I think that a lot of times, people will syke themselves up into believing things aren't as bad as they really are. People will actually go out of their way not to find out the truth about their situation so that they can continue to live in ignorant bliss. In my case, I know that I made sure for a long time that I didn't really know exactly how much I weighed. I went out of my way to stay away from full length mirrors and I think I even fooled myself into believing that it really was not that bad. But it is that bad.

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