Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hemorrhoids are a mother

and that's all I'll say about that.

Went to the gym yesterday and didn't do all I was supposed to but at least I was there...right. I mean, the only thing I missed was the 20mins on the treadmill but I went and that is the important thing. I am getting better with the eating tho! When I first started on this journey to better health, I think that I made a mistake by trying to change everything at once. At this point I realize that everything happens over time. It's hard as hell to try to teach a dog new tricks and a lot of my habits started early. Some things that were hard for me in the beginning are just second nature for me now and I think that is progress.

Now if I could just get in the habit of waking up early. In order to do that tho, I know that I need to go to bed earlier. That means I will have to stop talking on the phone so late. This task is easier said than done. I have in my head the solution to this problem tho. Eliminate all other options! That means I need to get in the bed by 11pm every night no matter what. No other options but to go to bed! Get of the phone no matter what!

I want black people to get it together! What role do I play in this is the question I am asking myself. My mom tried to order pizza last night and the guy told her that they no longer deliver to my neighborhood because the guy was robbed last week. My people my people...when will we learn. This problem is so big that I have no idea where to start but this does give me motivation to start writing.

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