Friday was the day of the Bilal show. I opted to work that morning and get off at 5:30pm so I would have enough time to get off and get some shoes before the show. I was so excited because Bilal is one of the people on my list of people to see perform before I die. Now that I have taken care of him I can move on to Lauryn.
I wasn't exactly looking forward to going to this show all alone but it was Bilal. I wasn't gonna let the fact that all my friends in Greenville are lame and most don't even know who Bilal is stop me from seeing him. I was gonna get to this show come hell or high water.
Venue was nice and I basically just stood around the spot until Bilal showed up. My dude came out at about 11:30pm and was up there pouring his heart out until about 1:30am! He did all the shit I wanted to hear and he ripped 'Sometimes'. I love him even more now. The above pic is from the show. Blurry as hell from my cell phone. I wish I could have asked him what in the hell 'White to Gray' is about.
Went to Atl on Sunday and stayed til Tuesday night. Did some things in ATl but the most significant thing that I did was meet a boy named Shanen.
Shanen is a dude that I have been talking to for for at least 2 years. I was always feeling him but we could never connect on a higher lever than friendship due to location and relationships. Well this year we both became available and started working toward something. We finally met(after a few failed attempts) and shit was lovely. I am really excited about the possibility of things to come.
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