Thursday, March 08, 2007

I really feel like I am in a soap opera

Tuesday I get a text informing me that he realizes that he made a mistake and that me misses me. He misses me? This whole thing is surreal. I talked to him yesterday and got down to the bottom of some things that had been on my mind. Yes they had been talking before we were officially done. Yes they other guy did make him think I was cheating. Yes they are now living together but he says he is miserable. According to him it's only a business arrangement.

So what am I supposed to do with this info. I am torn. The truth is I do miss ole boy but at the same time I really feel like he does not deserve even my friendship. Me talking on the phone with him is probably giving him too much. He says he misses me and one part of me is happy about that. I mean, he threw this away not me so why should I let it be so easy for him to turn around.

I told him that I think he needs to be alone. Stop trying to be in a relationship and just be by yourself. See how that is for a while.

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