ready to go home and I just got here.
So umm, this lady that has been working here for 17years was fired on Thursday. She was fired because of attendance! See, this hits close to home for me because I am always late. I had a meeting the other day and my supervisor told me that I could not be late anymore but I was actually late that day. So I feel like I am working on borrowed time. Shit sucks!
But then again, I believe that subconsciously I want to be fired. I have had warning after warning but for some reason I just can't get here on time. I really hate this job therefore, I think that my mind is working so that I will not be here anymore. I really hate this job.
And in other news, I just wish that I could do a full week at that gym. This is another area where I just can't get motivated enough to do a full week. I am supposed to do mon, tue, thur, fri but what usually happens is that I will be all gung ho on Monday but I never make the full 4 days. I think the most that I have ever even done are 3. I really need to get in gear cause I have decided(for the umpteenth time) that I will not go into my 30's as a fat boy. I WONT!

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