Friday, April 21, 2006

I've got a new hobby!

Since I started riding the bus, I have recently taken an interest in trying to guess the ages of riders. People watching has always been a hobby of mine but this bus thing has only heightened it. The thing about guessing peoples ages though, is that it's kinda hard to tell with some people. Also, in the end, you never really know if you are right. I mean, it's not like I am about to ask that lovely older woman just how old she is to see if I won the game.

like I said, it's really hard to do with some people. What I have noticed is that white people look way older than their years while black people look younger. I guess that old adage about black not cracking is true. There is one guy that really intrigues me. He walks with a cane and his body tells the story of a man that has seen many years but his face says something totally different. This man is painfully attractive! I have often found myself staring at this man wondering what he must have been like in his youth. I would like to take his picture so that I could show it to people so they can see the epitome of "growing old gracefully". Trying to figure his age always frustrates me because I always struggle with the what I come up with. Most guesses I think are too old and are contradicted by his face while the others are too young according to his body. No matter what his age, it's nice to look at him.

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