I believe that there are some people in the world that have a special connection. Kindred spirits, if you will. It's as if the two people grew up as siblings because of the similar experiences and and issues they share but the truth is they were raised miles apart. In early times, I imagine that many people went their whole lives without really meeting a person like this. I mean, in those days, people were limited to only coming in contact with those that were in their immediate vicinity but in modern times we have the convenience of the online chats, emails, and message boards. This allows us to speak to people that live many miles away from us and enables us a better chance to find people that really get us. This was the situation with my man Rob.
Okp was the place we started our journey. The fact that we both were there meant that we already had music in common. We would discover that we had so much more that we shared. Eventually we graduated from emails and in boxes to phone conversations. Religion to relationships had us talking til we lost the time.
One day he shared with me. He thought it would change my friendship but It made me stand in his corner even more. Then he fell on bad times and me, like an idiot, helped financially. I gave to someone that I never even met in person. I knew that God was in it. He was my brother and I wanted to do all that I could to make his situation better.
As it got worse, our friendship started slipping. It was me. I was not able to handle this side of it. As I look back now, I think I could have done more. I would call and his brother would say he was sleeping. Sometimes no one would answer the phone. I would let weeks go between my attempts. I think...I know I was scared to face this. I didn't want to let my friend go and I knew that it was approaching.
He was me! Older and wiser but he was me. We were the same and had fallen into the same traps. Why him and not me? Who am I that this did not befall me? We constantly talked of the goodness of God and even in his state he praised. God is good no matter what you are in. If I make my bed in hell, he is there..... It makes me ask myself why one and not the other. Why him and not me.
So now it is done and I praise God that I was allowed to meet such a wonderful person as this. Knowing him has definitely made me wiser and more careful and I know that his life was not in vain. Rob man, I love you. Wish I could have said it to you before you left this plain but to be absent from the body....
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