"if you live in the truth, no one can blackmail you" © Lauryn

simple words but they have resonated in my mind since the first time I heard ms hill say them on her mtv unplugged. So powerful is that statement. It means I can break out of all the bondage that people have placed me in by simply being who I am and not who they feel comfortable with me being. Break out of the box ! I can only be who God has allowed me to be and I am sorry if my being me does not fit into another's ideas of life and religion and all that stuff. Freedom is priceless and I struggle everyday to make sure I stay free despite the people and things that would rather I stay in their box.
Of course this is about my religion struggle. I hate it that people will read these blogg entries and think that I am just a one dimensional character that is always talking about gay stuff. That couldn't be further from the truth but at this time in my life, that is the only thing on my mind. I am just so sick of the way Satan(with the help of people) has contorted and distorted what I believe God really wants for his children. We live in a world right now where people who call themselves Christians can ostracize and ridicule people who have issues and they think they are doing the work of the lord.
I think it is my purpose(yes Ant, my purpose) in life to find the real God past all the images and false God's that people have built up. I think that we have not seen nor do we know the real God. I want to experience that and I want to share that with people.
Of course this is about my religion struggle. I hate it that people will read these blogg entries and think that I am just a one dimensional character that is always talking about gay stuff. That couldn't be further from the truth but at this time in my life, that is the only thing on my mind. I am just so sick of the way Satan(with the help of people) has contorted and distorted what I believe God really wants for his children. We live in a world right now where people who call themselves Christians can ostracize and ridicule people who have issues and they think they are doing the work of the lord.
I think it is my purpose(yes Ant, my purpose) in life to find the real God past all the images and false God's that people have built up. I think that we have not seen nor do we know the real God. I want to experience that and I want to share that with people.
on another note, in case you didn't know, the fight between good and evil is not taking place in the heavens or in the bowels of the earth. That fight takes place everyday in the mind. Your mind is the battle ground where Good and evil struggle to gain ground all the time. The battle is taking place when you see that co-worker that you know hates your guts stranded on the side of the road.Youu can either stop to help or continue on your way and the decision you make determines what side wins that round.
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