Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas is over.

Christmas has gone and things are kinda back to normal. This year I didn't get anybody anything for Christmas. Not because I am just being mean or cheap. The reason is because I don't have any money. The number one thing that I plan to do in the new year is get a better handle on my money.

Talked to one of my old homeboys last night. We used to kick it about 2 yrs ago but turns out that we are much better being friends than we ever were being anything else. Anyway, dude has decided to get serious about his spiritual life and that involves him getting baptized into the j-dubs. Anybody who knows anything about Jehovah's Witnesses knows that getting baptized is a big thing. I know a little because 3 of my past flings have been j-dub's. Shit is way surprising because...well, lets just say that we both used to be wild but he was real wild. We had a real nice convo last night speaking on all types of spiritual things and it was crazy. Crazy because I never imagined that he would ever be in a position to talk to me on this level and also because he is a j-dub and we were talking real talk without a lot of barriers. I have tried to have talks with witnesses before and they usually never turn out good. Maybe it was the fact that I have grown spiritually or maybe it was the fact that he is my homeboy even beside all the religion. Who knows? I plan on going to see "Rent" later this week with him.

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