1) Plot had heavy biblical base
2) Strong occult references
.....I know right but hey, that's what I like. I don't know why but for a movie to really be scary to me, it needs to have that God vs. satan factor. I mean....I don't believe in boogie men and things like that but I do believe in the battle for our soul. Here's what always gets me about these movies tho: They always portray God/Jesus as if he is weak. Like satan actually has a fighting chance in a battle. Especially if the religion of choice in the movie is Catholicism (see "The Exorcist). Catholics basically have no power when fighting evil forces and they make it look as if God barely helps them. As a non-catholic, I am taught that whenever the adversary comes against us, we can make him flee with the name of Jesus. I want to make a horror movie that uses all this but what I would add is Jesus....nobody ever uses him. They always refer to God and they always use old testament scriptures. The only movie I ever saw that actually Incorporated the power of Jesus was "Def By Temptation". I think that's why that movie scared me so much as a yute. I can relate to it. I grew up in a church with demons being cast out and what not. Anyway, the movie was great. Scared the hell out of me.
After the movie I decided to visit my cousin Keita. I love that chick. She is more like my sister than my cousin because we both grew up as only children with crazy single moms. We are 1 year apart(me older) and we basically grew up together until she moved to Colombia maybe in the 3rd or 4th grade. Then I moved to Mississippi in the 7th grade but we stayed in touch through letters. I wonder if she still has any. I wonder what I did with mine. So life goes on and so did we and it seems that we basically lost our closeness. Well since we have grown up, we have both ended up back in Grenville and now she has a little family of her own. I am hoping that we can get that closeness again.
While I was a their house yesterday, I went into detail about the fast. I told her what I was ingesting and she bust out laughing.....She said that the ingredients* sounded like a bunch of condiments. I had to admit, that was funny. We both laughed for a good 10mins off that.
*ingredients in the lemon aid for fast
-lemon or lime juice
-maple syrup
-cayenne pepper
all mixed with water